Friday, October 2, 2009

Temple Square

In honor of Conference Weekend, I spent some time at Temple Square today taking pictures and things.

I parked in #83
This is a leaf that I liked.

This tree looked just like a face. I laughed when I first saw it.

Keeps the riff raff out of the conference center, I guess?

I loved this moss so much. I took about 20 pictures of it; I love how it's kind of like a rainbow.
The good word is spreading...
I sat here for a second.
I love to see the temple.
I was laying on the sidewalk to take this picture - I got some looks. None were looks that said "you seem pretty normal".
I loved this so much. I think it was my favorite picture I took all day. Something to do with the sprinkler system for temple square.
I've been wanting to take pictures of this construction for weeks. I love all the colors and lines.
Some more construction...

Lamp post by the Visitor's Center.

I loved this picture so much. It's the shadow of the Christus; it looks like it's glowing.

I loved the great display of all the Bibles in a whole bunch of languages.

I don't know how I feel about the globe sticking out of the wall.
I don't remember what the point of this display was, but I loved everything in it.

These are all things that people should do.

These were some drains I think.